business cards

How to Order

Uploading your Artwork.

Click HERE to upload your artwork.


(same-day service available - please call for availability 01772 629229)



Choose your product from the selection, if you don’t see what your looking for please call us, the products on our website are only a small portion of the work we do.


Make your payment.


Once payment is made you will then have the option of uploading your artwork to our server. If you are opting for us to do the artwork one of our team will be in contact  within 24hrs by either email or telephone.


Supplying Artwork...


Just follow these four simple points and you will be bang on with your artwork:


Important thing 1)

For really good print reproduction we need files saved at 300ppi. This refers to the number of pixels per inch. Less that 300ppi and your artwork might print dotty or fuzzy.


Important thing 2)

Please always save your artwork at the size it is to be printed. If you supply us artwork that is saved at a small size and you want it printed big then things are going to go horribly wrong! We can scale artwork down but we can’t scale it up without a loss of resolution (and good resolution is what makes the image lovely and crisp and sharp).


Important thing 3)

If possible save your artwork in the colour format CMYK as these are the ink colours used to print your artwork. We can convert your artwork to CMYK but this will change the colour of your artwork and it might not print as you expect it to. If you work in CMYK when designing your artwork then this will give you a much better idea as to how the final printed piece will look. Please also if using black for your text make sure that it is 100% black and not made out of other colours.


Important thing 4)

Bleed is the little bit of extra that goes on all the edges of your printed piece. We print it and then we chop it off. What this does is ensure that your printed product does not have an ugly white edge along the sides, but a nice clean and seamless break. As a rule of thumb we ask for a 3mm bleed on all the edges, so as an example you will supply your A6 flyer with the dimensions 111 x 154mm and after we have printed and trimmed it it is returned to you at the standard A6 size of 105 x 148mm.


File Formats Accepted


  • Press ready PDF - with fonts embedded, for best results high resolution 300dpi.
  • Illustrator – fonts converted to outlines and supplied as AI or EPS files. Or output ‘Press Ready’ PDF from Illustrator.
  • Photoshop – layers flattened, at least 300 dpi, JPEG, PDF or Tiff. Remember to include 3mm bleed.
  • Corel Draw – fonts converted to Curves then export as Illustrator AI file.
  • InDesign - fonts converted to outlines. Save as a ‘Package’ and zip the fonts, images and inDesign file in one file. Or output ‘Press Ready’ PDF from inDesign.
  • Raster or Pixel Based Programmes - ie Photoshop/Paint/Gimp. Export as Tiff, JPeg or PNG. Ensure the original artwork is ‘press ready’ at 300dpi and includes 3mm bleed.


Artwork in Different Formats - If you wish to submit artwork created using a program not listed above we will try to accommodate you, but please call us to discuss first on 01772 629229


Supplying PDF Artwork

We prefer all artwork to be supplied as high-resolution PDF format with fonts embedded.


Correct Preparation of PDF Files

When creating a PDF in Acrobat Distiller, there are job options which must be set for commercial printing. These include default resolution, compression settings and font embedding. Where possible ensure a 300dpi PDFx1a ‘print’ or ‘press ready’ PDF is outputted. Please include a 3mm bleed, crop marks and supply as single pages.


Please ensure you choose high resolution. Compression settings for colour and greyscale should be down sampled to 300dpi with “auto compression” set on high. Bitmapped (monochrome: i.e. line art) images should be set at 600dpi. Font embedding should be set to “embed all fonts.”


CMYK not RGB Please!

Please ensure that all embedded images are CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) files. RGB images may look good on your screen but final output to print is always in CMYK. One should be aware that files converted from RGB to CMYK may alter the colour composition significantly!


Microsoft Office Files

If you are creating a PDF from a MS Publisher or Word file, care must be taken to ensure spot colours are created correctly in your original documents. Do not set to RGB (Red, Green, Blue) colours as they cannot be printed as such.


Supplying EPS Files

Any other file formats not listed above must be saved as an eps or jpeg. If there are any changes to the job, you may have to amend and re-submit the artwork as we may be unable to change it. Ensure your files have bleed and crop marks and please confirm the final size of the artwork and supply a hard copy for reference.


If we need to amend your artwork or you need to re-submit corrected files to us there may be an additional charge which includes the cost of an additional PDF proof. More extensive amending or correcting is charged dependent upon the amount of time required to rectify.



Please do not supply imposed pages or “printers pairs” because our workflow includes imposition software to impose correctly for our printing processes. When supplying booklet artwork please account for binding edges and creep.



Include all fonts you have used in the file. Whilst we have an extensive font collection, there is no guarantee the version you have used matches ours. This can create problems with line lengths and spacing of the type.



Screen tints may range from 99% down to 1%. From a practical printing viewpoint, anything above 90% or less than 5% will generally not be visible to the naked eye.


Sending Artwork by Email

Please send to with any relevant information regarding the job. Maximum file size preferred by email is 15mb. Files larger than this should be sent on disk or by using one of the many file sharing sites that are now readily available and allow you to send large files normally free of charge, ie wetransfer or yousendit.